AG2R Citroën Team – New Uniform. The official launch of the uniform that we designed for the Ag2r Citroën Pro Cycling Team. 

Ag2r La Mondiale, a French life insurance company, has a long tradition of sponsoring Tour de France, and this year they welcomed Citroën to be part of their team. Our task was to show this integration by placing Citroên in the heart of the brand, showing that both are here together to help the team succeed.

Studio Rejane Dal Bello in partnership with Elodie Boyer
as their brand consultant and strategist. 

Brand consultant & Strategist
Elodie Boyer

Creative Director and designer
Rejane Dal Bello

Web design
Chrys Naselos

Motion Design
Julien Tande

Car 3D modeling
João Oliveira

Ag2r Citroën Team

Ag2r Citroën Team
